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NB-IoT is a technology designed for low-power usage in the Internet of Things environment. NB-IoT offers higher capacity, lower latency, and lower power consumption than traditional mobile technologies.

LTE-M, like NB-IoT, is a mobile standard that enables the connection of devices with low data requirements. LTE-M allows devices transmitting only a few kilobytes of data per month to connect to the Internet.

The Internet of Things is a concept that all physical objects are connected to the Internet. This means they are capable of sending and receiving data and can interact with each other.

A web app is an application that runs in a web browser. Unlike a traditional app, it does not need to be installed on the device and can be accessed from any device with a web browser.

Open source is a model for providing and developing software. The idea is that anyone can view and modify the source code of a software, so that errors can be fixed and new features can be added.

Free software is a type of open-source software where users not only can view and modify the source code, but also have the freedom to use, copy, distribute, and further develop the software for any purpose.

USB-C is a new USB standard interface that has become the standard in recent years. USB-C offers a range of advantages over traditional USB connectors, including a smaller form factor, higher data transfer rates, bidirectional power supply, and support for multiple devices simultaneously.