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The technology behind ANABOX smart

The technology behind the ANABOX smart. Learn more about NB-IoT and LTE-M.

As part of the development team of ANABOX smart, I would like to give you a deeper insight into the technology behind our smart medication dispenser today.

When developing ANABOX smart, we faced the decision of which technologies to use for connectivity. While Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are widely used, we opted for NB-IoT and LTE-M. Why? Quite simply: NB-IoT and LTE-M are specifically designed for the Internet of Things (IoT) and offer several advantages:

  • Better Coverage: NB-IoT and LTE-M have a much greater range than Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. This means that the ANABOX smart works directly after unpacking in many countries and can be hundreds of kilometers away from the mobile phone.
  • Power Saving: Unlike Wi-Fi, which consumes more energy, NB-IoT and LTE-M are more energy-efficient, which is important for a battery-operated device like ANABOX smart. This allows us to achieve battery life of several months.
  • Reliable Connection: LTE-M as a standard offers a more stable and faster data transmission without being dependent on the proximity to the mobile phone.
  • Cost-effective: The network infrastructure costs of NB-IoT and LTE-M are significantly lower compared to traditional mobile technologies.
Detailfoto der Platine mit Anschlüssen

The Nordic NRF9160 plays a central role in ANABOX smart. This chip is not only small and energy-efficient, but also provides the necessary power to support NB-IoT and LTE-M. Through its integration, we can ensure that ANABOX smart works everywhere.

With ANABOX smart, we have created not only a medication dispenser, but an intelligent health device. The main functions include:

  • Medication Reminders: ANABOX smart reminds users of their medication schedules.
  • Medication Intake Monitoring: We record when and which medications are taken.
  • Notifications: In case of a missed dose or other important events, ANABOX smart sends notifications.

For a health product like ANABOX smart, security is of the utmost importance. The NRF9160 offers advanced security features to ensure that all transmitted data is encrypted and protected. Compared to Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, which can be more susceptible to security vulnerabilities, our choice provides a more robust security solution.

The decision to use NB-IoT, LTE-M, and the Nordic NRF9160 was a crucial step in making ANABOX smart not only functional, but also safe and reliable. We believe that these technologies enable us to improve healthcare for many people and look forward to achieving even more in the future.

We are excited to hear your feedback and to work together to shape the future of health technology.

What is NB-IoT Infographic?

Die OTA-Funktion (Over the Air Update) des Nordic NRF9160 erlaubt es die Firmware der ANABOX smart dratlos zu aktualisieren. So erhalten alle Geräte automatsich neuer Funktionen, Leistungsoptimierungen und Sicherheitsupdates. Solche Updates tragen wesentlich zur Effizienz, Sicherheit und Langlebigkeit bei. Das Produkt kann länger und nachhaltiger genutzt werden.

Wir sind gespannt auf euer Feedback und darauf, wie wir gemeinsam die Zukunft der Gesundheitstechnologie gestalten können.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf unsere Infoseite.

EigenschaftLPN LoRaNB-IoT, LTE-Cat-NB1LTE-M (LTE Cat. M1, LTE-M2M)
Frequenz [MHz]863-870
Bandbreite [MHz]0.1250.1801.4
Geräte pro Knoten10-4050000>200000
Reichweite [km]freiproprietärproprietär
Lizenzkann auch privat betrieben werden
LizenzownerLoRa Alliance3GPP3GPP
KlassenClass A: Stromsparsklasse; Downlink erfolgt nur nach Uplink. Class B: Downlink zu festgelegtem Zeitpunkt. Class C: Jederzeit senden und empfangen--
Datendurchsatz [kb/s]0.3-50100-200200-1000
Datenpaketemax. 51 Bytes--
Latenzhochhoch15 ms
SicherheitEin eindeutiger 128-Bit-Netzwerkschlüssel, der vom Endgerät und vom Netzwerkserver gemeinsam genutzt wird. Ein eindeutiger 128-Bit-Anwendungsschlüssel (AppSKey), der auf Anwendungsebene durchgängig gemeinsam genutzt wirdLTELTE
Stromverbrauch, Batterieniedrig, > 10 Jahreniedrig, 10 Jahremittel, < 5 Jahre
Netzbetreiber in DeutschlandThe Things Network (TTN, Community Netzwerk)Telekom, VodafoneTelekom, Vodafone
KomplexitätEigene Netzwerke möglich. Community Netzwerk TTN kann selbstständig erweitert werden, dadurch überall nutzbarBetrieb innerhalb bestehender LTE NetzwerkeBetrieb innerhalb bestehender LTE Netzwerke
What is NB-IoT Infographic?