In a time when more and more people are taking both prescription and over-the-counter medications, safe storage of medications is crucial. A well-organized pillbox or a smart medication dispenser like the ANABOX smart can help you improve the organization and adherence to your medication regimen.
More than 70 percent of Germans take at least one medication. Therefore, everyone should know how to store medications safely. Safe storage protects curious children and pets and preserves the effectiveness and potency of the medications.
Not sure where to start? Go through your home and note where your medications are stored. Adjust these important dos and don'ts for pill storage accordingly.
❌ Do not store medications in the medicine cabinet or bathroom cabinet. Despite the name, these places are unsuitable due to excessive heat, humidity, and temperature fluctuations.
✔️ Store medications in the kitchen or bedroom. These rooms are usually dry and cool, making them ideal for medication storage.
❌ Do not keep medications past their expiration date. The chemical composition of medications can change over time, making them less effective or even dangerous.
✔️ Safely dispose of medications when they are expired. Use local return points (usually found in pharmacies) or dispose of them according to the manufacturer's or pharmacy's instructions.
For more information on return points, visit the medication disposal website.
❌ Do not store medications where children can easily access them. Medications should always be kept out of sight and reach of children.
✔️ Store medications high and out of reach of children. Ensure that all household members and visitors know that medications must be stored safely.
❌ Do not store medications in checked luggage. They could be lost, stolen, or exposed to extreme temperature fluctuations.
✔️ Store medications in carry-on luggage. Keep them in their original container to avoid issues at security checks.
Proper storage of medications requires only a few minutes of careful planning and can help protect your family and maintain the effectiveness of your medications.
Remember to always consult your pharmacist or doctor if you have specific questions or concerns about storing your medications.
Federal Drug Commissioner: Medication Use in Germany
Federal Ministry of Health: Storing and Disposing of Medications